Powerful Prayers

My new book  – ‘Powerful Prayers’ – is now available as both a  Kindle and as a paperback book.

For further information please go to:-

https://www.amazon.co.uk/POWERFUL-PRAYERS-Geoffrey-Keyte-ebook/dp/B06XGQG3NG (kindle edition)

https://www.amazon.co.uk/POWERFUL-PRAYERS-Geoffrey-Keyte/dp/1520778848 (paperback book)

I believe in Miracles – and, through the Power of Prayer, our Father God will grant you your own miracles. All you have to do is to ask Him when you pray to Him.

God Bless


The Work of the Holy Spirit

My wife, Marlene, and I have a Faith Ministry.

This means that we have no regular source of income; we rely on God to help provide all our needs (Philippians 4: 19).

And through our absolute Faith and Trust in God we wait upon Him to open the minds and hearts of many people with whom we come into contact and who feel drawn towards giving us a freewill donation.

And if you would like to do so you can make a freewill offering to the Work of the Holy Spirit by going to:-

Holy Spirit Donations

At the moment our laptops are very old and both have seen better days. And, since nearly dying my poor old eyes find the laptop screen too small and tiring to look at.

Many years ago I used to have a desktop computer with a 21″ screen. I am now looking to find the money (or perhaps a blessed soul will donate one to us?) so that my eye strain will be a thing of the past and I know that I shall find it much easier to write my books using a large screen desktop computer.

I know that our Father God will bless you mightily in everything you say and in everything you do.

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see (Hebrews 11: 1)

Your loving support of our Faith Ministry is incredibly important to us.

God Bless


Son of God – the Movie

Those of you who live in the US you should know that one of the most eagerly awaited movies of 2014 is the ‘Son of God’.

The ‘Son of God’ movie is launching in the US this coming Friday, February 28th. As yet I have received no updated information as to when it will be made available to UK Cinemas.

To give you an idea of how highly this movie is regarded I am quoting Rick Warren, who is the Senior Pastor of Saddleback Church and Author of the #1 NY Times Bestselling Book ‘A Purpose Driven Life’.

“I’ve probably seen most, if not all, of the films about Jesus produced in the past 50 years. This one stands alone, in a class by itself, as the best I’ve ever seen. Brilliantly produced with stunning cinematography, a Hans Zimmer score and academy-worthy acting, it stands head-and-shoulder above the rest.

Son of God draws you into the story from the start. Not since the release of “The Passion of The Christ” ten years ago have I been this excited about a movie…Son of God brings to the Big screen the Story of Jesus. Here we see the wonder of His birth, The power of His mission, The loving sacrifice of His death but most importantly, we see The Eternal Hope of His resurrection. I am thrilled that 20th century Fox are distributing this film and know it will be a blessing to millions when it opens in theaters all across America this Spring.”

For further information about this dynamic movie I would strongly recommend that you go to:-


There are many clips from the Movie and personal reflections from some of the people who have been invited to a preview of the ‘Son of God’ movie before its American launch this coming  Friday.

Son of God

Now, the larger-than-life story of The New Testament gets a larger-than life treatment in the stand-alone feature SON OF GOD.

Told with the scope and scale of an action epic, the film features powerful performances, exotic locales, dazzling visual effects and a rich orchestral score from Oscar®-winner Hans Zimmer.

Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado portrays Jesus as the film spans from his humble birth through his teachings, crucifixion and ultimate resurrection.

It marks the first motion picture about Jesus’ life since Passion of the Christ, released ten years ago.

For further information and to view the film trailer please visit:-


The film is being released in the USA on February 28th

With many peaceful blessings
